
School Uniform

The Heretaunga College uniform is a gender-neutral uniform.  Students have a range of options from which to select to make them feel comfortable and to provide a sense of belonging to our kura.  Consultation with our student, staff and whānau community led to changes being made to the uniform from 2024.  

Our uniform encompasses both the uniform items and the expectations around appearance.  Students wearing the Heretaunga College uniform are expected to wear uniform items correctly, and follow appearance expectations in representing our college and our PRIDE values.  Upon enrolment, students and caregivers have signed a declaration acknowledging agreement to follow the Heretaunga College uniform expectations.

NZ Uniforms supplies the Heretaunga College uniform.  Payment Options: NZ Uniforms accepts cash, Eftpos, all major credit cards and WINZ payments. They also offer ZIP and have a ‘Uniform Club’ which is a great way to save for your school uniform purchases – ask them for more details.

NZ Uniforms
92 High Street, Lower Hutt (from 1 November 2024 - 4 Jackson Street, Petone)
Ph: 04 282 1199

School uniform must be worn to and from school, in school time and when attending functions associated with the College outside school hours.  Those students without the correct uniform may be removed from class and parents/caregivers contacted.  Non-regulation uniform items may be confiscated.  All clothing and footwear should be clearly named.

It is expected that students arrive at school and leave school wearing their correct uniform unless having attended an after-school sports event. Formal lavalava also known as sulu, tupenu, ie-faitaga are also now part of our uniform. These must be plain black.

Mobile Phones @ HC

In 2024 a new ICT vision and strategic plan will be implemented.  With the advent of  the “phones away for the day” policy, a new BYOD approach will be shared with students, staff and caregivers.

Heretaunga College is committed to ensuring students have access to learning environments free of distraction and disruption.  Student access to mobile phones in classrooms / teaching areas while learning is taking place have, for some time, been recognised as contributing to disrupted learning experiences.

In 2023, consultation with students, staff and whānau was undertaken to gather information and opinion related to the school current policy around access to mobile phones. The outcomes of this consultation process have contributed to the writing of new school procedures around student access to mobile phones while at school.  This coincides with the new government’s “Phones Away for the Day” policy released in January 2024, which provides clear guidelines around mobile phone use in schools.

International research indicates some key challenges with mobile phones at school such as being a major distraction for our students. These rules are designed to ensure that the learning of all students is maximised, while minimising any potential for distraction and cyber-bullying. 

Our approach to ‘phones away for the day’ involves students leaving their phones in their bags and switching off during school hours 8.30am - 3.15pm. This includes students who are visiting onsite.

It is important to note that if students do make the decision to bring a mobile phone to the school grounds, they do so at their own risk. The school is not responsible for any accidental loss or damage caused to any mobile phone.

We understand that some parents like their children to have a phone to communicate with them during the day.  Students will be able to catch up with this communication once they leave school grounds.  If a parent / caregiver needs to make contact with their child for an emergency, or for other practical reasons, they can communicate directly with our school office at 04 9399370.