Senior School
All senior school courses are full year courses. A wide variety of contextualised and interest-based learning opportunities are provided for students to select from. At year 11, students are encouraged to keep breadth in their course selections to ensure open future pathways. At year 12, students will begin to become more specialised as they become more aware of their pathway preferences. At year 13, students will ensure their course selections are more closely aligned with their potential future pathways.
All pathways at Heretaunga College are academic pathways. NCEA provides significant flexibility and breadth in assessment opportunities that support a wide variety of future pathways for all ākonga. All senior courses provide NCEA credits towards relevant qualifications.
At year 11, compulsory courses come from the English and Mathematics curriculum areas. It is also recommended that students at year 11 choose a Science-based course.
At year 12, the compulsory course must come from the English curriculum area.
At year 13, there are no compulsory course requirements.